- Welcome to the Chinese Australian Cultural Society Ballarat Inc

Description: At last count, members come from seven different countries and speak at least 10 different languages. The Society conducts weekly Chinese language lessons and strongly supports the Mt Clear Confucius Classroom.

china (5396) celebrations (313) ballarat (171) chinese new year (43) tai chi classes (28) language classes (26) cultural group (3) cultural society (2) peoples republic (1) sovereign hill (1)

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The Society was formed in October 2008 in recognition of the changing needs of the Chinese community in Ballarat. In that time the Society has quickly developed strong relationships with the City of Ballarat, Sovereign Hill and Mt Clear College.

There are over 200 members in the Society with 85% being either Chinese or of Chinese descent with the remainder being Australian. Several are fourth-generation descendants of Chinese migrants to Ballarat in the 1800s while many have only recently come to Ballarat from overseas.