- Chloe Saxby - raising awareness of Vanishing White Matter disease.

Description: Chloe Saxby - raising awareness of Vanishing White Matter disease.

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This site is dedicated to saving Chloe's life and the lives of other little kids suffering from Vanishing White Matter disease, by raising awareness and much needed funds to Find A Cure.

Vanishing White Matter Disease (VWM) is an extremely rare, genetic, degenerative, terminal brain disease that affects mostly children. This disease is devastating, with most patients diagnosed between the ages of 2 and 6 years old. In a very short period of time, it causes the inability to walk, talk and eat as well as blindness, deafness, loss of motor skills, intellectual disability, spasticity, seizures, and coma and is followed by death often before reaching teenage years. A small bump to the head, a te

Your donation will help save a little girl's life. Chloe is a gorgeous 7 year old girl, suffering with Vanishing White Matter Disease. Without a cure, Chloe will experience a lot of pain and suffering, lose her ability to see, hear, eat, experience intellectual disability, spasticity and die... usually before reaching her teenage years. You can make a difference.

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