- Chris Murphy

Description: With a voice that has been compared as often to Stan Rogers as it has to Steven Page, Chris Murphy has all the tools to tell stories expressively and emotively through the songs he sings.

singer (6511) songwriter (3564) kingston ontario (32) chris murphy (6) christopher murphy (4)

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Chris's Faecbook page has details about everything he's up to, including his weekly on-line performance “Tuesdays in The Murphenbunker” every Tuesday at 6:30pm (EDT).

With a voice that has been compared as often to Stan Rogers as it has to Steven Page, Chris Murphy has all the tools to tell stories expressively and emotively through the songs he sings. Many of those songs are his own creation, but he also relies heavily on the brilliant songs written by his friend and brother-in-law Jon McLurg, a songwriter who J.P. Cormier places alongside David Francey and Chuck Brodsky in his hierarchy of favourite songwriters.

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