- Law Offices of Chris Raesz, P.C. - State and Federal trial and appellate attorney

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I presume that because you are on this page you are looking for an attorney. Typically, if you are looking for an attorney on the internet you are trying to find someone to help you at a time when you feel that you cannot solve your problem yourself. I tell every potential client that, if the problem can be solved without me being involved, that is the path they should take. If you are to the point that you believe you have no other options other than the hiring of an attorney, I am available to review your

My quick rundown of my experience follows. I have practiced in Denton, Texas (just north of the Dallas Fort Worth metroplex) since 1992. I opened my own office in Denton in early 1997. I received my Juris Doctor degree on February 23, 1991 from Baylor Law School and was licensed to practice law by the Supreme Court of Texas in May of that same year. I am licensed in every federal district in Texas, the Fifth Circuit and the United States Supreme Court. I have worked in district courts around the State and t