- Christian E Books - Internet home of author Patrick McIntyre

Description: The Graham Formula and Patrick McIntyre website for White Harvest Publishing.

water baptism (21) charles finney (6) the graham formula (2) patrick mcintyre (2) faulty evangelism (2) the scandal of modern evangelism (2) easy decisionism (2) salvation prayer evangelism (2) sinner's prayer evangelism (2) white harvest publishing (1)

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Welcome to Download FREE PDF or text Files of Original Source Materials that prove that ALL New Light Calvinists after the First Great Awakening asked for an immediate "Decision For Christ" This was NOT something started by Charles Finney . But the New Light Calvinist "Decision for Christ" was not seen as "Saving Faith" and certainly not de facto regeneration as it is today! PLEASE educate yourself and help fight the HERESY of Decisional Regeneration. For more on this subject, go to The

If you have no knowledge of New Light Calvinism, I suggest you start with a primer called Cats To Dogs

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