- Christianity Explained - To people of all faiths and none

Description: The articles on this site are not addressing that kind of false 'Christivanity.' They focus on explaining true and authentic Christianity to adherents of the main religions instead.

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Christ ianity should really be  all about Jesus Christ  at the very heart of it. However, for most people today it is more regarding the  ‘ … ianity’  bit at the end. Therefore, it has sadly turned into  vanity , an extreme belief in one’s own abilities or attractiveness to others. The Bible calls it  ‘pride’,  the opinion that one does not need help in life, least of all from God.

The articles on this site are not addressing that kind of  false ‘Christivanity.’  They focus on explaining  true and authentic Christianity  to adherents of the main religions   instead.

Atheism is purposly included in that list since those who are attracted to that faith  believe  that   there is no God. Followers of those ways, seekers after Truth and Christians will find a wealth of material to help them grow in their current understanding.

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