- Christian Judaism is Judaism of Moses and the Prophets minus the active works

Description: Christian Judaism is pure Judaism of Moses and the Prophets without the sacrificial system which was fulfilled because Jesus says that Salvation is from the Jews. The holidays of Moses were also fulfilled.

new moon (35) faith of jesus (9) belief of jesus (4) christian judaism is judaism without the rites or works of the l (3) drink offerings (3) and food offering (3) which are not to be kept any longer because jesus filled them (3) leaving only the weekly seventh day sabbath and the remembrance (3) galatians 2:16 john 5:39. john 3:16

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You worship what you do not know; we worship what we know, for salvation is from the Jews.  John 4:22 ESV CHRISTIAN JUDAISM is faith (belief) of Jesus , not modern apostate Christianity nor Judaism with the works of the law. Colossians 2:16, John 3:16, Acts 11:26, Galatians 2:16. Colossians 2:16 CLV (16) Let no one, then, be judging you in food or in drink or in the particulars of a festival, or of a new moon, or of sabbaths [plural, NOT the singular 7th day Sabbath].

I am saying to you that He will be doing the avenging of them swiftly. Moreover, consequently, at the coming of the Son of Mankind, will He be finding the faith on the earth? Luke 18:8 CLV (11) And many false prophets shall be roused, and shall be deceiving many." (12) And, because of the multiplication of lawlessness, the love of many shall be cooling." Matthew 24:11-12 CLV Here is the patience of the saints, they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus. Revelation 14:12 ASV I have fought

Christian Judaism is pure Judaism of Moses and the Prophets, without the sacrificial system which was fulfilled (Matthew 5:17-18), because Jesus says that Salvation is from the Jews (John 4:22) and upholds Judaism in Luke 16:27-31. In other words, there is no difference between pure Christianity and Judaism of the Apostles. The Judaism of the Apostles or the pure Apostolic Christianity (Acts 11:26), is spelled out in Galatians 2:16 and is called the 'faith (belief) of Jesus'.

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