- christopher robbins

Description: Christopher Robbins is an award-winning public artist whose work has been exhibited at the Venice Biennial of Architecture, the National Museum of Wales, New Museum Festival of Ideas, Copenhagen Contemporary Art Center, and been awarded residencies or fellowships from Skowhegan, MacDowell Colony, Haystack, Penland and Anderson Ranch, among others. Ghana ThinkTank, which he co-founded in 2006, was recently awarded a Creative Capital grant in emerging fields.

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Christopher Robbins works on the uneasy cusp of public art and international development, creating sculptural interventions in the daily lives of strangers. He uses heavy material demands and a carefully twisted work-process to craft awkwardly intimate social collaborations.

He built his own hut out of mud and sticks and lived in it while serving as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Benin, West Africa, spoke at a United Nations conference about his cross-cultural digital arts and education work in the South Pacific, and has lived and worked in London, Tokyo, West Africa, the Fiji Islands, and former Yugoslavia.

He has exhibited at the Venice Biennial of Architecture, ZKM | Museum of Contemporary Art, New Museum Festival of Ideas, Trade School at the Whitney Museum, the National Museum of Wales, Nikolaj Kunsthallen/Copenhagen Contemporary Art Center, and been awarded residencies or fellowships from Skowhegan, MacDowell Colony, Haystack, Penland and Anderson Ranch, among others.

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