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CHTA is providing members a newly launched weekly webinar series called “CHTA Live: The Resilience Series”.  Webinars on this series provide practical content to support your strategies for recovery; join the interactive discussions and exchange with industry professionals. CHTA COVID-19 Resource Center CHTA Live: The Resilience Series The Caribbean region's annual networking, education and best practice sharing event

CHIEF is designed to be one of the best ‘investments’ you can make, and one of the best opportunities for making incredible contacts and gain invaluable information.

“Since its inception, I have sent team members to each one of the CHIEF conferences because I have seen it add significant value to my team’s personal and professional development, as well as great improvement in their productivity and morale. Each year my General Managers are responsible for identifying one team member from each hotel to attend CHIEF. I encourage you do the same!”

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