- Churchfields Medical Practice - Information about the doctors surgery opening hours, appointments, online prescriptions, health

Description: Churchfields Medical Practice Churchfields Medical Practice,Old Basford Health Centre,1 Bailey Street,Old Basford,Nottingham NG6 0HD, Information about the doctors surgery opening hours, appointments, online prescriptions, health information and much more

nottingham (1251) old basford (3) churchfields medical practice old basford health centre 1 bailey street ng6 0hd doctors churchfields medical practice doctors old basford health centre doctors 1 bailey street

Example domain paragraphs

Churchfields Medical Practice Old Basford Health Centre 1 Bailey Street Old Basford Nottingham, NG6 0HD Tel: 0115 978 1231

Please note, the practice will be closed from 12 noon on Tuesday 18 th April 2023 for protected learning.  We will reopen at 8.00 a.m the following morning.

If you require urgent care whilst we are closed, please call 111.  The practice automated telephone service and SystmOnline are available 24hrs a day to check or cancel appointments.