Description: Charlie's notes on University, homelabs and other bits and bobs.
software (35447) computer (11668) java (6384) science (6332) go (2110) cs (628) node (612) charlie (180) haskell (141) britton (27)
Please email me for a copy of my CV.
I am an MEng Computer Science student studying at the University of Southampton, with a keen interest in the cyber security aspect of the course. Since starting, I've learned Java and Haskell, giving me competence in both more conventional OOP and then also a very strict functional language, which I have actually quite enjoyed. I have made use of dependency management tools such as Maven and Stack, in addition to writing and implementing test suites. I've also got production apps running in NodeJS and Go, b
I enjoy looking at new languages and libraries to implement things, in particular I've really enjoyed discovering property-based testing with Hspec . I've got limited experience with performance testing and benchmarking of programs but find it very rewarding when I can optimise a function or code block and save some precious time. I've been exposed to the joys of SQL and normalising databases, in addition to data manipulation and analysis using some GNU tools and I daily drive Linux on my personal computer