- Cider and Perry at the Cider Workshop | Home of the Cider Workshop group

Description: The Cider Workshop is a friendly group of heritage cider and perry producers and enthusiasts who discuss all aspects of growing, making and consuming cider and perry. Cider Workshop consists of and the Cider Workshop Google Group

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Welcome to, the web resource for the award winning Cider Workshop Google group - the friendly community of heritage cider & perry makers and enthusiasts.

Anyone can join the Cider Workshop discussion group and ask questions or simply discuss real/craft/traditional cider and perry (or as some of us prefer, heritage cider and perry.) The cider web resource is an easy reference for all cider lovers and as a storage space of ideas and expertise for the group.

The group discuss all aspects of growing, making and consuming cider (and Perry, Calvados, Pommeau etc.) from orchard to glass. This includes stuff as varied as travel, poetry, legal aspects, history and story telling, as well as methods, equipment and reviews. See the Cider Workshop mission statement below.

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