- Cinq-Mars Media | Non-Profit Educational Games Technology Software | Educational Steam Indie Games

Description: Cinq-Mars Media is a non-profit specializing in educational steam indie games and technology open-source software for the public good.

educational games (149) open-source software (114) steam games (33) christopher jarvis (2) non-profit games (2) steam indie games (1) cinqmars media (1)

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Cinq-Mars Media is dedicated to the production of open-source software and educational indie games for mobile and steam . Our first project, the campus safety app PhoneFlare , was honored at the White House and met with international acclaim. CMM was founded by Christopher Cinq-Mars Jarvis in the wake of success from his first non-profit endeavor, Synonymy , an educational word game narrated by Richard Dawkins. Our projects have received numerous awards and accolades →

Our last project, The Devil's Calculator , was named one of the 10 best indie games of 2019 by PAX, was a fan favorite of GDWC and nominated by the TIGA gaming awards. This game as well as Synonymy were included in GDC's prestigious Experimental Gameplay Workshop. PolitiTruth , a collaboration with the Pultizer Prize Winning organization PolitiFact, was a highlight of IndieCade's 2017 E3 showcase. It is currently being updated for the 2020 election. CMM has created and maintains several other open source pr

Chameleon Video Player is a popular media player that allows you to stream popular content transparently over your desktop as you work. shows your GPS location atop photos you take of maps, i.e. trailheads. TypeMyMusic is a popular font used to easily compose music in text documents. All our projects are freely available under the GNUv3 license on GitHub →

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