Description: Prez Sez Hello to all of our CIR/PCA members and Porsche faithful. Is it really June already? I find it hard to believe we are almost halfway through 2024. We have made a few more changes with the CIR Board of Directors. Don Perkins has assumed the Activities Chair position. Don and Will Anthony will
I write this after having attended the Zone 4 Region Presidents Conference in Ohio. Amanda Brown, your Vice President, and I spent 2 days with fellow PCA Presidents, VPs, and DE Chairs,discussing PCA in general and our regions in particular.
The numbers they shared are staggering. You are always aware of how vast PCA is but then you hear a statistic and it becomes more real. For example, the Porsche Club of America has a presence all over the US and Canada (that includes Alaska and Hawaii!). There are over 152,000 total members in the club. The Central Indiana Region is part of Zone 4, which has over 6,100 members. And those numbers are growing! Every month Greg Smith, your Membership Chair, calculates the numbers and shares how many people are
And the numbers don’t stop there! This year is the 75th anniversary of Porsche! Wolfgang Porsche turns 80 this year! There must be something about the marque that positively impacts longevity.