- Citizens Militia of Mississippi - WELCOME TO CMM

Description: militia constitutional mississippi, support law enforcement, land, racism not tolerated, community, neighborhood watch, shall not be infringed,

mississippi (1236) cmm (122) militia (31) open carry (10)

Example domain paragraphs

Citizens Militia of Mississippi Batesville , MS 38606 United States operatio ns @citizens militiaof mississip pi .com

Stay Safe!

2020 has brought some truly eye opening events to Mississippi, America, and the world. We won't go into detail, at this time, every way this pandemic has threatened the liberty we all have enjoyed, but a few things are clear. Those crazy folks who have been pleading with their neighbors to do some prepping have been completely vindicated. While it may be a little late to truly stock up on those supplies you would need to survive six months, its not too late to do what you can. Stop buying toilet paper and u