- City Cut & Sew | A new way to promote.

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Take everything you know about promotional products and turn it inside out. People call it “swag”. Stuff We All Get. Sometimes we even find it useful. For a few days. But these products don’t always take into account one important issue: Your favorite clients may love you, but that doesn’t mean they want to be a walking billboard for your logo. And the less they use your ‘swag’, the less effective your branding becomes.

We make things people will want to carry for years, not days. Well-made objects that look great on the outside and have a custom-printed lining on the inside featuring your logo or brand name transformed into a tasteful pattern. Every time your user opens a sleeve or a bag with your logo on the inside, they’ll be reminded that you’d rather whisper to them than shout to the masses. That’s a good impression.

City Cut & Sew is a collaboration between a family-owned Numo Manufacturing in Kaufman, Texas and Minneapolis-based Product Designer & Creative Director, Angie Davis. The project combines the skilled capability of a company with over 30 years experience in cut-and-sew manufacturing with Davis’ minimal approach to product design, focused on quality materials and well-crafted construction.