Description: Lidia Manzo has been awarded with the Marie Sklodowska Curie European Individual Fellowship 2020-2022 to develop the project CITY-OF-CARE at the Department of Social and Political Sciences of the Milan University in partnership with the MU Department of Geography. CITY-OF CARE examines the crucial socio-economic and spatial implications of the financialization of social housing (FSH) in two European cities: Milan and Dublin. Key global processes of financial capital markets and securitization have restruc
community (15725) care (5487) city (3986) dublin (1815) caring (563) milan (560) social networks (184) social research (37) social capital (21) urban research (11)
The Hows and Whys of City of Care
Dublin and Milan, two cities dramatically transformed with the creation of new post-industrial, residential and financial spaces, vividly illustrate the contradictions of relying on a property-led or gentrification-based model, which in turn has led to rising socio-economic inequalities that are affecting social cohesion and resilience.
Text and Interviews by Lidia K. C. Manzo - Photos by Pierluigi Cattani Faggion