- ClassOrbit | Tools for Teachers

Description: Access a massive, curriculum-correlated collection of learning objects in the classroom or via remote learning.

educational videos (41) educational media (11) tools for teachers (3)

Example domain paragraphs

Science is one of the oldest and most important academic disciplines, and covers a wide variety of subjects. When you think about science, it helps us to understand the world around us. Everything we know about the universe, from how trees reproduce, to what an atom is made up of, to technology and inventions, is the result of scientific research and experiment.

What does gamification mean and how does it apply to education? Gamification is the process in which you take something that is not a game and apply game design and mechanics to it in order to increase user engagement, happiness, and even loyalty. In the business world, gamification can be seen through customer loyalty programs for credit cards and memberships. In education, gamification can be utilized to transform traditional lessons into an enhanced learning experience where students choose to explore an

This can be the time of year when students begin to feel antsy, especially in the weeks leading up to Spring Break. Encourage your students to get back on track and maintain focus, while channeling their energy into learning, with ClassOrbit?s Mental Energizer video. This video provides opportunities for exercise, which increases glucose to the brain, and, in turn, makes it easier for kids to learn.

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