- Claire Launay

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Between March and September 2023, I started a postdoctoral fellowship in the Institut Denis Poisson, at the Université de Tours, under the supervision of Hermine Biermé , Céline Lacaux and Philippe Carré . I am working on color texture analysis and synthesis. Previously, I was a postdoctoral researcher in the Coen-Cagli Laboratory for Computational Neuroscience at Albert Einstein College of Medicine (New York, United States) under the supervision of Ruben Coen Cagli . I was working on probabilistic models f

I completed a PhD in Mathematics and image processing at the MAP5 laboratory, Université de Paris, under the joint supervision of Bruno Galerne , professor at the Institute Denis Poisson, Université d'Orléans, and Agnès Desolneux , CNRS Senior Research Scientist at the Centre Giovanni Borelli laboratory, ENS Paris Saclay.

2019-2020 Introduction aux probabilités, (Introduction to probability) Licence 2. Cours assuré par Nathaël Gozlan. Feuilles de TD : TD1 : Modèle probabiliste TD2 : Probabilité sur un ensemble fini, probabilités conditionnelles et événements indépendants TD3 : Variables aléatoires discrètes (1) TD4 : Variables aléatoires discrètes (2) TD5 : Variables aléatoires continues Mathématiques et Calcul 2 (MC2, Mathematics and arithmetics), Licence 1. Cours assuré par Marcela Szopos. Feuilles de TD : TD1 : Intégrales

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