- Hillsborough Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine - Hillsborough, NC

Description: Hillsborough Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine is a physicians' practice in Hillsborough, NC. We provide the highest quality medical care in the context of a personalized, trustworthy relationship between your family and our staff and doctors.

nc (5201) durham (1301) pediatrician (862) medicaid (500) pediatric medicine (419) chapel hill (407) hillsborough (284) insurance. (15)

Example domain paragraphs

January 6, 2017

Dear Families of Hillsborough Pediatrics,

I am delighted to announce that Hillsborough Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine will become part of Chapel Hill Pediatrics and Adolescents, effective January 14, 2017.  Our practice has always strived to give our patients and families the very highest quality care possible, in the context of personal relationships with our families. The true joy of the practice of medicine is in these relationships.