- ClimateCharts

Description: An application to create meteorological charts for places worldwide.

Example domain paragraphs

An application to create meteorological charts for places worldwide

The ClimateChart application shows the climate, i.e. the temperature and the precipitation, of all places on Earth. When you click on the world map above, a climate chart is generated. On the left side of each chart you can switch between the Walter-Lieth Chart, a Distribution Plot and a color-coded Data Table. You can also change the time period and the source of the climate data. For the last generated climate chart you also have the possibility to change or add the title.

In case you are using the diagrams or parts of it within scientific or other publications, we recommend to cite: Laura Zepner, Pierre Karrasch, Felix Wiemann & Lars Bernard (2020) – an interactive climate analysis web platform, International Journal of Digital Earth, DOI: 10.1080/17538947.2020.1829112

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