- Climate Manifesto about global warming climate change survival

Description: Global Warming Manifesto - how humankind can face the future.

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In our dilemma it's nice to know exactly where we stand.  Electromagnetism and gravity and all that stuff - will not be changing.   There will be no modification to the melting point of ice, nor the boiling point of water.   As to the general properties of heating, they remain locked in according to the laws of thermodynamics.   Our world is warming and the heating will only get worse.

So when politicians negotiate - they're just talking at each other about what each should do.   They're not addressing the physical science.   And because modern humans have never faced rapid global warming directly and we have never dealt with destabilizing environments - we are unsure how to proceed.  With whom do we negotiate?   Does the enemy have a seat at the table?  A civilization based on adversarial conquest expects concessions and quid-pro-quo gifts on the table.  Isn't climate change just another

Of course, Humans will try, because for millennia, our hubris, good fortune, and resilience has delivered tremendous reward, and so today and tomorrow we'll still try to game the system and ignore the immutable laws of physics.   We offered to tax carbon - as if to levy a fine for past errors would make things right.   And we shall drive electric cars.   That should do it, right?   OK, we'll car-pools and ride bicycles too, OK?   "But you gotta dial back on the heat and please, no more wildfires, OK?   And