- Cloak Audio Jackdaw Estoteric Synth Fuzz

Description: The Cloak Audio Jackdaw is a unique and unusual synthy-sounding fuzz/filter pedal handmade in London, UK

london (14298) boutique (4941) guitar pedal (24) effects pedal (7) jackdaw (4) cloak audio (1) synth fuzz (1)

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The Cloak Audio Jackdaw is a unique fuzz pedal. Combining two synthy-sounding octave fuzzes run in parallel - an upper and lower octave fuzz - it covers the whole frequency range. It's dirty and snarly on the low notes, almost like a malfunctioning analogue synth, and relentlessly precise on the higher notes. It is always rewardingly noisy! These parallel fuzzes are mixed together and fed into a filter circuit, the characteristics of which can be changed from a regular tone control to fixed-wah to an envelo

The Cloak Audio Jackdaw is £190. You can buy from one of our stockists or direct using the Paypal button here.

Regent Sounds (UK) 4 Denmark St, London WC2H 8LP

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