- Cloe - Best Community Bot

Description: Transform your Discord server into a top-tier community with Cloe! Join 1.091 servers and 472.807 users to experience cutting-edge features – in just minutes!

community management (324) discord bot (131) chloé (17) cloe (6) autoposting (6) advanced moderation (1) afk system (1) message raid protection (1) discord applications (1) temporary roles (1)

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Turn your Discord server into the best community server. Without any other bots in minutes. Join the other 1,042 Discord servers and explore the bleeding edge functions of Cloe!

AFK • AntiMessageRaid • Applications • TempRoles • AutoPoster • AutoPublisher • AutoResponses • AutoMod • AutoRoles • AutoThreads • Birthdays • Boost Messages • Server Discovery • Bump Reminder • Button Roles • ChatBot • Join Messages • Join DMs • Leave Messages • Counting • Custom Buttons • Games (ex: typing test, quiz, google faud etc.) • Giveaways • Custom Messages • Leveling • Logging (Advance) • Moderation System (Advance) • Ban Appeals • OneWordStory • Polls • Fun (Commands) • Reaction Roles • Reminde

Here can you see some modules of the Bot and the functions.

Links to (2)