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Description: Welcome to the Centre for Labour Research Striving for fairer and safer workplaces Flagship ReportWageIndicator Foundation and the Centre for Labour

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The Centre for Labour Research has partnered with the Fairwork Foundation, University of Oxford to document the working condition of the gig workers in Pakistan during 2021-22. The project will score digital labour platforms against the five Fairwork principles of decent work, with the goal to improve the working conditions of platform workers in Pakistan. Under the Fairwork Pakistan project, we gather evidence through three methods: desk research, platform interviews, and worker interviews. Later, based on

WageIndicator Foundation and the Centre for Labour Research have launched their second edition of their pioneering work, assessing labour rights across 135 countries on 46 dimensions. It is the first de jure index comparing statutory provisions on 10 substantive elements of ‘decent work agenda’. It covers the life span of a standard worker and the whole palette of workplace rights.

Based on our understanding of the Quran and Sunnah, the Islamic Labour Code is the prototype legal instrument, ready for adoption or adaptation by governments in Muslim countries as well as progressive enterprises worldwide, willing to embed Islamic teachings in their organizational cultures.

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