- Club Cani Compagnia - Italian Companion Toy Dog Club

Description: The C.C.C. (Companion Toy Dog Club-Club Cani Compagnia) is the only club specialized, specific and recognized from E.N.C.I. 1963, (Italian National Dog Associaton-Ente Nazionale Cinofilia Italiana) for the protection and development of the breeds of the 9th group FC.I., with the exclusion of the Maltese and Bolognese breeds.

ccc (237) coton de tulear (51) bichon havanais (17) chinese crested dog (14) belga (12) club cani compagnia - italian companion toy dog club (1) bichon à poil frisè (1) griffone (1) griffone bruxells. piccolo brabantino (1) piccolo cane leone (1)

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