Description: CMI Concierge services are the number one residential concierge providers in the Vancouver area and strive constantly to improve our services. Not only do we provide concierge and security services, but are now please to offer facilities management.
We have no idea how the building would function without them. The least expensive way to make a building more appealing and a great place to live is to have a great concierge service. CMI Concierge is recommended without reservation.
Our concierges have provided exemplary concierge services. Navigating the world between, owners, renters, guests, repair people, couriers, movers, resident quadrupeds, and the strata is not always easy and CMI staff have done a super job.
All the CMI personnel working at our building provide us with great service and security. They are all friendly, personable and very helpful. It's comforting to know they are watching over things and the service they provide is top notch and a great convenience. Thank you for all you do for us!