- Coaching Toys Online Store

Description: Online store featuring Innovative toys and tools for personal development, workshops, trainings, team building events, retreats, corporate training, individual work with clients and client gifts. Bring creativity, spirit and exceptional value to your work with clients as well as to your personal journey

group facilitation (24) creativity tools (4) journaling prompts (2) life coaching tools (1) creative workshop tools (1) creative training tools (1) imagery prompts (1) inspirational card decks (1) life coaching resources (1) life success tools (1)

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O N SALE These conversation cards are meant to get people thinking and talking about who they are, what they like, and how they interact with the world around them. Perfect for group work.

ON SALE This easy-to-use card deck has 55 practices that focus on your response to loss, understanding grief, and healing - all remembering that grief is evidence of your love. Created by David Kessler, one of the world’s foremost experts on grief and grieving.

Fiction Magic card "tricks" raise the stakes in writing with phrases like "Alienate an Ally" and "Break a Promise." The guidebook interprets the prompts and adds creativity coaching "tips" to keep you writing. It's like having two decks in one!

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