- Cob:web-Aclevo

Description: Cob:web-Aclevo is a development and content creation group centered around creating free, innovative, open source technology for the future. We have a diverse, unique range of projects. We have projects relating to software & software development, videos and multimedia, gaming and gaming communities

linux (7737) programming (6826) open-source (4669) group (4475) projects (3497) organisation (2257) coding (2195) foss (217) dev group (2) fosshost

Example domain paragraphs

Cob:web-Aclevo Cob:web-Aclevo is a development group centered around open source technology. We aim to have a diverse, unique range of projects relating to software & software development.

Cob:web-Aclevo is a development and content creation group centered around creating free, innovative, open source technology for the future. We have a diverse, unique range of projects. We have projects relating to software & software development, videos and multimedia, gaming and gaming communities.

As a group we have three core values: