- CoCoNets: Continuous Contrastive 3D Scene Representations

Description: CoCoNets: Continuous Contrastive 3D Scene Representations

tracking (1580) rendering (1086) implicit (15)

Example domain paragraphs

This paper explores self-supervised learning of amodal 3D feature representations from RGB and RGB-D posed images and videos, agnostic to object and scene semantic content, and evaluates the resulting scene representations in the downstream tasks of visual correspondence, object tracking, and object detection.

The model infers a latent 3D representation of the scene in the form of 3D feature points, where each continuous world 3D point is mapped to its corresponding feature vector. The model is trained for contrastive view prediction by rendering 3D feature clouds in queried viewpoints and matching against the 3D feature point cloud predicted from the query view. Notably, the representation can be queried for any 3D location, even if it is not visible from the input view. Our model brings together three powerful

We outperform many existing state-of-the-art methods for 3D feature learning and view prediction, which are either limited by 3D grid spatial resolution, do not attempt to build amodal 3D representations, or do not handle combinatorial scene variability due to their non-convolutional bottlenecks.

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