- Codeminders

Description: If you're considering a development project, talk to our team. We'll walk you through a brainstorming session where we can scope your project and explain how we can build within your budget.

cloud computing (68313) android (9634) rim (213) hadoop (179) amazon ec2 (10) development project (6) codeminders (4) nutch (4) mobile applications (iphone and symbian applications)

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Ideas are born everyday, and they die just as quickly. That’s because the single hardest part of any new idea is actually going out and doing it. That’s why we built Codeminders, to provide startups and enterprises with access to our veteran team of experts who work together to turn big ideas into reality.

Have a big idea but don't have an engineering team in place already? Let us be your one-stop-shop. We'll work together with you to evaluate your needs, develop a game-plan and create a product you can be proud of.

Need to augment your team with highly specialized members who can integrate seamlessly with you? We can provide an extremely talented, focused team that will work alongside you for incredible results.