- What Is Collaborative Divorce? - Collaborative Divorce Law

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The divorce process is complicated and often involves divorce lawyers, court dates, and a lot of money. But collaborative divorce is an easier alternative that couples who don’t have major disagreements can take advantage of. In a collaborative divorce, each spouse has their own lawyer and these lawyers deal with issues using interest-based negotiation. An interest-based negotiation is a method that enables spouses to formulate agreements that focus on their individual interests or goals.

In a collaborative divorce, each of the spouses can have private conversations with their attorney and plan how to accomplish their goals in the divorce. But unlike traditional divorce, the goals of each party are reached without creating enmity, or anger between the divorcing parties. The process is handled by each of the spouses Collaborative Divorce lawyers in an office not in a courtroom. What this means is that the couple can negotiate their issues comfortably and arrive at an agreement that benefits b

A Collaborative Divorce is significantly less expensive than a trial mostly because you’ll spend far less money on attorneys. Couples that seek a contested dissolution often go to court and end up spending more because it takes longer for them to agree on various issues. They also have to pay court fees and filing fees. Couples are likely to choose a contested divorce when they disagree on different issues such child support, child custody or property division.