Description: Offers a complete directory of online and campus degrees and certification at colleges, universities and technical institutes.
college (4310) university (3909) certification (1955) universities (600) accredited (359) accreditation (341) certificates (336) online degrees (123) educational programs (99) campus degrees (2)
Business Schools Accounting Degree Administrative Training Advertising Schools Business Courses Ebusiness Training Entrepreneur Training Finance Courses Finance Degrees Online Human Resource Training Internet Marketing Course Management Classes Marketing Courses MBA Programs Online Online Accounting Degree Online Business Courses Online Management Courses Online Project Management Course Project Management Degree Public Administration Degrees Public Relations Degree Technology Colleges & Certifications Data
In the United States, there are over 7021 colleges and universities. A "college" in the US formally denotes a constituent part of a university, but in popular usage, the word "college" is the generic term for any post-secondary undergraduate education. Americans "go to college" after high school, regardless of whether the specific institution is formally a college or a university. Some students choose to dual-enroll, by taking college classes while still in high school. The word and its derivatives are the
Students must pay for college before taking classes. Some borrow the money via loans, and some students fund their educations with cash, scholarships, or grants, or some combination of any two or more of those payment methods. In 2011, the state or federal government subsidized $8,000 to $100,000 for each undergraduate degree. For state-owned schools (called "public" universities), the subsidy was given to the college, with the student benefiting from lower tuition. The state subsidized on average 50% of pu