- Colorado Lemon Law

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Colorado Lemon Law

Qualifying for Lemon Law Colorado's Lemon Law, C.R.S. 42-12-101, covers only new, self-propelled vehicles, including pickups and vans, but excluding motor homes and motorcycles. This law may require a manufacturer to replace or repurchase that vehicle if a defect or condition, which substantially impairs the use or market value of the vehicle, can not be corrected. If you buy a new vehicle that has a defect within one year following the purchase, and the same defect is not repaired after four or more attemp

Filing a Lemon Law Claim Prior to suing a manufacturer for a refund or replacement vehicle, you must first send a written notice of defect by certified mail to the manufacturer, give them a chance to repair it and go through the manufacturer's informal dispute settlement procedure, if one exists. Manufacturers that have a dispute settlement, or arbitration, procedure that complies with Federal standards are not subject to provisions of the Colorado Lemon Law concerning refunds or replacement until the custo