- Colorado Rat Enthusiasts

Description: Colorado rat club promoting healthy rat keeping, the betterment of the fancy rat & community events. Home to Colorado rat owners, breeders & those that rescue.

acre (78) colorado rat breeders (2) colorado rat breeder (2) colorado rat club (1) association of colorado rat enthusiasts (1) a colorado rat club (1) colorado rat forum (1) colorado rat shows (1) colorado rat show. (1)

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The Association of Colorado Rat Enthusiasts (ACRE) was founded in 2006 and has been gaining support ever since, at that time it was a simple Colorado based forum.  We are dedicated to the betterment of the fancy rat through ethical and responsible breeding, and by encouraging proper rat care and ownership at home. ACRE became an  American Fancy Rat and Mouse Association (AFRMA)  affiliate in June of 2008. But in 2011 we have decided to go on our own.