- KUNG FU | Columbia Tai Chi and Kung Fu Center

Description: Columbia Tai Chi Center is dedicated to helping people live happier, healthier, and more balanced lives by teaching traditional Tai Chi, which has many of the same health benefits as yoga, pilates and meditation and is also a martial art, like karate and kung fu, so it's excellent for self-defense and fitness.

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Master Eric Sbarge demonstrates a combat application on Sifu Adams. Kungfu Offers You: • Exciting new levels of fitness and coordination

Originating in the Shaolin Temple in China over 1500 years ago, Shaolin kungfu is an extremely broad and comprehensive martial art. Often referred to as the “Grandfather” of Asian martial arts, Shaolin has influenced the development of later eastern martial arts such as Japanese karate and Korean tae kwon do.

Shaolin offers you great fitness and health, effective fighting skills, and it is a visually exciting and beautiful art, as shown by the entire movie genre of “Kung Fu movies.”