- Comprar palets - Palets en Tarragona - Fabricación y Recuperación de Palets de Madera - COMEPAL

Description: Compra palets en Tarragona. Somos fabricantes de palets de madera para industria y consumidores. También recuperamos y reciclamos palets de segunda mano. Palets en Tarragona

palets (53) comprar palets (5) compra palets (4) palets tarragona (2) fabricantes palets (1) fabricacion palets (1) reciclaje palets (1) palets industriales (1) palets mueble (1) palets para decorar (1)

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Over 30 years in the sector

In Comepal , we are dedicated to offering comprehensive solutions for the packaging sector, logistics and decoration, both for business and private individuals, by designing, manufacturing, recycling, and supplying wooden pallets . Since we were founded in 1984, more than three decades of history endorse a team with wide-ranging experience and know-how , committed to European regulations – ISPM-15 International standard–, to a circular economy and sustainable development –certified as waste managers by the

Comepal is characterised by offering a high level of quality in the finishes of its products , either new or recycled pallets. Our workforce, formed by twenty highly qualified professionals, can provide an agile and effective response to the requirements of clients, with a reliable and responsible attention and advice during the entire commercial process (pre-sales and post-sales).