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The campus is located in the Carvolth Neighbourhood Plan less than two blocks from 200th Street and direct access to Highway 1. The Carvolth Neighbourhood Plan represents a vision and implementation framework for creating a transit oriented, walkable and highly urban place at this important gateway to the Township of Langley. The new neighbourhood is envisioned to have a high quality of design and a balance of jobs and housing and be a regional showcase for sustainable design. These include dedicated bus la

751 – 765 East Cordova Street Vancouver represents an opportunity to acquire one well located 100 ft by 120 ft lot in the heart of Downtown EastSide. The Subject nestles on the north side of East Cordova Street between Heatley Ave and Hawks Ave. The building size is approx. 5,052 sqft and there is approx. 6,100 sqft of yard space available on site. The Property is perfect for owner user with development potential in the future. The M2 Zoning allows various uses including manufacturing, transportation and st

New retail and office building located near the juncture of 152 Street, 32 Avenue, King George Boulevard and Highway 99 in South Surrey. Design your new perfect space! Turn-key construction available. Exclusive South Surrey address. Construction is complete. Please call to arrange a viewing.