- Communimage

Description: Communimage ist ein digitaler Bildteppich aus Tausenden von einzelnen Bildern; ein kollaboratives Projekt, das seit 1999 kontinuierlich wächst. Mitmachen!

digital art (2255) digitale kunst (107) digital artwork (64) collaborative art (20) collective art (3) collaborative artwork (2) digital quilt (2) kollaborative kunst (2) (2) johannes gees (2)

Example domain paragraphs

communimage is a collaborative art project since 1999.

Thousands of people have since then contributed to a growing sea of images. communimage is an attempt to entertain a visual global dialogue.

Statistic: 18.06.2023, 12:02 Number of images: 26710 Number of contributors: 2334 Number of origin countries: 93