- Computational Law Lab

Description: Website of the Computational Law Lab at the Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen

machine learning (3905) legal tech (66) personal webpage (31) computational law (2) legal science (1) kristof meding (1)

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Computational Law Lab

A warm welcome to the Computational Law Lab led by Kristof Meding. The lab is part of the CZS Institute for Artificial Intelligence and Law and the Cluster of Excellence “Machine Learning for Science” at the University of Tübingen.

We aim to explore how machine learning methods, such as Natural Language Processing, can be applied in legal sciences. This involves, first, developing Legal Tech applications and, second, going beyond merely developing applications by investigating how data-driven methods can lead to new insights in legal sciences. Therefore, we study the interaction between machine learning and legal science. Our focus extends beyond sophisticated computational models to the broader realm of how machine learning interacts

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