- Rebar, Composite Fiberglass Rebar, production and sales of reinforcing bars, buy at a favourable price at «Composite Group Chely

Description: Production and Sales of Rebar. Composite Fiberglass Rebar from Company "Composite Group Chelyabinsk". Now you can buy reinforcing bars at a favourable price!

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Home Products

Equipment for the manufacturing of FRP products Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer bar Basalt Fiber Reinforced Polymer bar Rebar Spacers and Supports Composite Mesh Reinforcement Sand-coated composite rebar Reinforcement grid START SYSTEM Flexible ties Application Examples Quality Prices Delivery About the Company Documentation For our Dealers Contacts Fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) bar is 50% cheaper than its equal in strength steel counterparts; use of fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) bar allows to reduce costs

Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer bar of diameter from 4 to 20 mm Basalt Fiber Reinforced Polymer bar of diameter from 4 to 20 mm Composite mesh reinforcement with mesh sizes 50х50, 100х100, 150х150 mm Rebar spacers and supports of the following types: "Star", "Chair", "Cube", "Wheel" and others Flexible ties Sand-coated composite rebar Reinforcement grid START SYSTEM Equipment for the manufacturing of FRP products Advantages of Fiber Reinforced Polymer bar Rebar from composite materials combines high strength

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