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Example domain paragraphs

What is “media literacy?” The word literacy connotes a high degree of competency and usually means that a person knows how to read and write. A literate person, on the other hand, is well read, using and applying high level thinking skills across a broad range of topics. Computer literacy means the capacity to use […]

Using printable math games to motivate students to like math is an easy, cost effective way to instill interest and give the students a different, yet creative way to reinforce math concepts. At the same time, you are making math fun in the classroom and/or at home. Here are the top ten amazing reasons why! […]

The senior loved ones in your family reach a point where they don’t need things any more; they don’t have space for more stuff to collect dust. It is difficult for them to care for their homes and keep them tidy and clean. They don’t have the strength or endurance for household chores. Seniors like […]

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