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Description: There are various ways you can convert your active income into passive streams. Some of the ways include dividend investing, real estate investments, digital product creation, peer-to-peer lending, and content monetization.

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The first key to overcoming the spirit of fear is recognizing that it is a normal part of life. Fear can be healthy and necessary if we use it to protect ourselves from physical or psychological harm. But too often, we let our fears become so overwhelming that they paralyze us, preventing us from taking risks and growing in faith. It’s important to remember that fear is normal, and it’s OK to feel scared sometimes.

When we feel fear, it is essential to understand where it’s coming from. It is often caused by our thoughts and beliefs about ourselves and the world. It can be helpful to talk through our fears with a trusted friend or mentor, as this can help us to identify the source of our anxiety and how we can address it.

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