Description: We sell Iron Condors on Weekly or Monthly Options offered on a small set of Index funds. We can help you learn options trading & do iron condor strategy.
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Using our proprietary technical systems and trading experience you can earn profits averaging over 25% per year by selling credit spreads on Weekly Options. We offer both a Weekly Plan and a Monthly Plan and a discount if you subscribe to both plans.
Detailed instructions for entering and exiting trades will be posted on our web site members area and you are alerted when new positions are posted. New trade positions are issued every Monday Morning. You do not need to monitor your trades during the trading week.
We sell Credit Spreads on Options offered on a select group of stocks or Index funds with the Weekly Plan and the Monthly Plan. The “credit” spreads are high probability (of success) and high premium designed to achieve profits on a weekly basis. The major difference between the two plans is the time horizon and the level of safety. The Weekly Plan enters options that expire in one or two weeks. The Monthly Plan enters options that expire in four weeks. The Monthly Plan offers a safer yet decent return s