- Confessions of a Male Nurse

Description: We are male nurses. These are our confessions.

medical (6743) nursing (1134) nurse (723) nursing school (40) male nurse (2)

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Red Cross volunteers fight the flu pandemic, 1918.

The harrowing  Ebola outbreak  that is overwhelming so many communities in West Africa and has sparked fears that the severe, often fatal illness will make its way to other parts of the globe has also raised the specter of previous pandemics. And of all those awful natural disasters, none was more devastating than the 1918 flu pandemic (the “Spanish Flu”) that infected an estimated half a billion people around the globe and, by most estimates, killed somewhere between 50 and 100 million people—at the time,

I am a former student of an ABSN program. First semester went well. All A’s. Second session/semester not so much. Pharmacology I, Health Assessment (lab & lecture), and Skills (lab/lecture) was life changing to say the least. A test in each course every week for 5 weeks and comprehensive finals in all three at the end. Health Assessment and Skills weren’t too difficult, but when you tack on Pharm I in 5 weeks ON TOP of the other two, it was a nightmare. Pharm I demanded & got most of my attention. Needless