- Confidence Driven Coaching

Description: A Montreal-based coaching practice specialized in impacting lasting positive change through increased emotional intelligence, confidence, and self-esteem.

life coaching (2160) disability (1605) confidence (1087) couple (823) emotional intelligence (331) decision making (208) girlfriend (187) husband (174) boyfriend (108) acheivement (3)

Example domain paragraphs

We live in a world where believing in ourselves can sometimes be difficult.  Every day, we are bombarded by negative messages about our appearance, behaviours, capabilities, and achievements.  As time goes on these messages can become fainter and fainter white noise, and as they do the choice to let them influence our decisions becomes less and less conscious.  By the time most people are in their teens they are so accustomed to negative self-talk that it can become the default voice of reason.  This tenden

Boosting ones self-esteem can be difficult, and often requires positive reinforcement of one's capabilities / potential from an objective source.

Decisions, Decisions!  Life is full of them - big and small - and sometimes making the right ones can be challenging.  There are often many complex factors to consider, and understanding the variables is extremely important when picking the optimal path to follow.  Ideally, we would approach this process with all relevant facts in hand and optimism as our guiding light; however, sometimes poison finds its way into the mix.  Oftentimes that posion is the negative voice in our head telling us that we "can't,