- Conforming To Jesus Ministry - Truth, healing and wholeness

Description: Conforming To Jesus brings Truth, healing and wholeness teachings, counselling and ministry to believing Christians. We teach them how to be released from the bondage to sin and guilt and receive forgiveness from God and establish a relationship with God.

bible teachings (63) healing ministry (27) relationship with god (11) truth ministry (3) freedom from guilt (2) wholeness ministry (1) truth teachings (1) healing teachings (1) wholeness teachings (1) bondage to sin release (1)

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⟨ ⟩ PRACTICAL PREPAREDNESS FOR THE END TIMES Conforming To Jesus was born out of a desire to bring Biblical teachings to all believers who feel held in bondage by the world and its ways, teaching them how they can finally be free from this heavy yoke. We have now entered a new phase of helping people to prepare for future events in a practical way, as well. The end times are just around the corner, and emergencies will occur more and more frequently. Don't be caught off-guard and unprepared!

Given the current state of affairs in the world, we have to conclude that the end of all things is near. Those who have eyes to see discern that current events and developments are to be interpreted as signs of the end of this present age: social conflicts, famines, disasters, seditions, wars and rumors of wars. A call to action and guidance for these kinds of situations is absolutely necessary. Preparedness is of the essence and Christians should not be caught off guard, now more than ever.

The Scripture says: "You shall go into the Ark: you, your family and all the animals. And you shall take for yourself of all food that is eaten, and you shall gather it to yourself; and it shall be food for you and for them" (Genesis 6:18-22). Conforming To Jesus was born out of a desire to lead "those who are of God" to faithfulness, because it is only they who are faithful to God who will be wise and discern the season in which they live and adequately prepare themselves for survival at the End of Time.

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