- Christian Hip-Hop/EDM/Metal Hop Artist | Spitting Truth & Sharing Hope | Conscious Conduit Entertainment LLC

Description: As a Christian hip-hop/EDM/metal hop artist, I've overcome challenges and now aim to reach the broken and neglected. Join me on this journey of survival, living, and thriving. Discover the power of faith and never give up.

edm (1153) christian hip-hop (36) metal hop artist (1)

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Survive, Live, Thrive

Experience the powerful blend of Christian hip-hop, EDM, and metal hop that will inspire you to survive, live, and thrive. Join us on a journey of faith, resilience, and love for God. Together, we can reach the broken, the neglected, the forgotten, and the loners at parties. Don't give up.

Experience the raw emotions and powerful messages conveyed through our Christian hip-hop, EDM, and metal hop music. Our lyrics are a reflection of our personal journey and faith, offering comfort and inspiration to those who may feel broken, neglected, or forgotten. Join us on this musical journey of survival, life, and thriving.