- Conservation Law - Conserving Working Landscapes and the Environment

Description: Ensuring the permanence of conservation through sound land conservation transactions and the defense and enforcement of perpetual conservation easements

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Conservation Law, P.C. is a law firm devoted to protecting working landscapes and environmentally significant lands in Colorado and the Rocky Mountain West through the use of perpetual conservation easements.

Jessica E. Jay, Esq., the founder and principal attorney of Conservation Law, P.C., represents landowners and easement holders to conserve land using durable but flexible perpetual conservation easements drafted to anticipate changes over time.  Jessica is dedicated to ensuring the permanence of such land conservation through sound conservation transactions with practical stewardship and enforcement mechanisms.  The first consultation is free; please feel free to contact Jessica E. Jay, Esq. at Conservation

DISCLAIMER:  The information provided here is general in nature and should not be relied upon as legal advice.