- ConserveWell Heated Utensil Holder

Description: ConserveWell heated utensil holder is an environmentally friendly solution that replaces a traditional dipper well perpetual-flow sink.

utensil holder (3) conserve well (1) conservewell (1) dipper well (1) heated utensil holder (1) perpetual flow sink (1)

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At Server, we believe better really does matter. It starts with more sustainable products, like the Server ConserveWell ® Utensil Holder. An eco-friendly replacement for continuous-flow dipper wells - it uses only 600 gallons of water per year.

Our Co-op Members are always looking for new solutions to improve their costs, operations and, in today's world, opportunities to be environmentally responsible and conservation minded.

Dave Shandy | Equipment Category Manager Cenrtralized Supply Chain Services, LLC | Purchasing Co-op